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10 Reasons to Start Your Business Now

10 Reasons to Start Your Business Now

In this article, I will dive in to the 10 reasons why you need to start your business now. You don’t need to know it all before you begin. In fact, if you do, your product may not be reaching the audience in a way that benefits them… which ultimately means no revenue for you. That’s the point of starting up this business, right?! Let’s jump in.

So you have this super great idea. Ok, you are ready to launch, yes! You start to research where to begin, how to start, and everything you need to do to get started. You start writing your to do list, but then that list gets overwhelming… like really overwhelming. You keep on researching others to see what they have done, but then you see that they are super successful. Now you are overwhelmed and discouraged that you don’t have overnight success and you quit.

Bleh. Dream squashed. Back to the daily grind that you were oh so hoping to escape. (if you need an idea for blog niche ideas, check this out)

NOT SO FAST! Here is something to remember, everyone has to start somewhere and sometime. Here is a little secret for you, there is no time like the present, so here are 10 reasons you need to start your business NOW!

1. Overnight Success Does Not Typically Happen

Drill this into your head, right now! Most people do not see overnight success. The only tried and true way you will see success, is if you work hard, work smart, and stay consistent. Keep this in your head when you become discouraged. Your success will come, you just have to work hard for it.

If they are claiming to be successful “overnight” one of three things are happening. 1) They are lying 2) They have a lot more financial backing and team they you are unaware of 3) they are one of the very very lucky few.

Read my list of suggested Success Books here!

2. Learning Curve

Have you ever seen a seed? Then that seed sports roots under the soil? Then that seed grows into a stem, then a little bigger stem with leaves, and then EVENTUALLY a giant sturdy tree? That little seed is you, when you first begin. All you know is that you want to be a big giant tree, but you don’t know how to get there, yet. The point here is, I want you to know, that it is ok that you don’t know everything about everything. The idea with starting a business is learning as you grow. Not all businesses are structured the same, using the same business models.

I literally had no idea how to build a website. Start here for a step by step guide on how to build your brand a build a website.

3. Trial and Error

Minimum viable product. I REAPEAT minimum viable product. Yup. I said it. Start with the bare minimum people! Why? Well, if you spend too much time trying to make it all perfect, well you just might not ever start. Then if you do get it ‘perfect’, what if your ideal customer doesn’t actually like it or find it useful? You just spend millions of hours perfecting your platform, all for you customer to just say, “ew, no thanks”. Start out small and basic, see what your customers respond and don’t respond to, and adjust accordingly. The reject will be easier to swallow when you haven’t spent as much time on it. Trust me, the rejection will come in different forms.

Read this article on understanding your numbers, to see what is working.

4. Endless Tools

Maybe you are ready to start, but you don’t know where. You probably started to research where to begin when starting your business. Now you are being targeted in every single platform with all of these wonderful and helpful tools, with all of these subscriptions that cost money. They are truly helpful, and might be in the long run, but you do not need everything to get started. TRUST ME!!!! Put your blinders on.

Here, I have provided a complete list of my recommended tools just for you to begin. Use these and nothing else while you get your feet wet.

5. Build Your Following, Not Just on Social Media

Instagram and TikTok success is very misleading. The number of followers that someone has does not have direct correlation with how profitable their business is. You could focus on building a following on social media platforms, but I also recommend building a following on Pinterest. Read here to learn more about why I love Pinterest.

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    6. Your Actions Today, Effect Your Life in 3 to 5 Years

    Did you know your financial decisions today have a direct impact on your financial health in 3 to 5 years from now? That’s right! So by starting your business now, you are laying the foundation and hard work ground work to grow your business so in 3 to 5 years, you will be thanking yourself for all of the dedication and hard work you did now.

    7. Discovery

    There is so much trial and error in this process. As much help as you look for, you will find. Here is the thing. I recommend truly implementing something that you invest in, before you jump to the ‘next best tool’. Trust me on this.

    8. Grit, Grind and Grow

    Do you know what the number 1 shortcut is, CONSISTENCY and SHOWING UP. That’s it. Build that relationship and trust with your client. They want to know the face behind the brand and who is there to make their dreams a reality.

    9. Plan, Action, Engage

    This can’t be more straight forward than this. Plan your next three months. Make a plan of action, then engage on those actions. At the end of the quarter, review what worked and didn’t work. Copy, paste, or pivot for the next quarter.

    10. The Difference Between You and Them? They Started.

    Yes, it’s true. They are successful… but guess what? That is because they started. You can be successful too! Stop with the Perfection Paralysis already and JUST START. I’m going to break it to you. You are not perfect. Your product will never be perfect. Start today and please be patient. You’re growth will come.

    Are you convinced? Are you Ready to Start Your Business Now?

    START NOW!! In a year from now, 3 years from now and beyond, you will be thankful you did.

    10 reasons to start your business now
    10 reasons to start your business now

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      Allison Conway

      Brains & beauty school founder

      I’m Allison Conway, the driving force behind Brains and Beauty School. As the visionary founder of this woman empowering consultancy, I am on a mission to empower women to harness their unique strengths, elevate their financial intelligence, and discover the transformative power of makeup.

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